Hue dental implants have already helped many dental patients near Garland, Texas. The procedure has given people their confidence back by providing an efficient solution for missing teeth. However, not all implants are done equal, resulting in some cases where the procedure fails. If you will fall victim of dental implants, what are your options to fix or restore your teeth’s condition?
It is quite hard to tell the best options without a professional check-up. Your dentist at Garland has to determine what causes the implant to fail in the first place before suggesting the best option.
What Causes Dental Implants to Fail?
There are certain reasons why your dental implant might fail, but the most common reason is the “osseointegration.” It is a process wherein the implant fails to bond properly with your jawbone. One good indication that your implant might be failing is when an inflammation occurs on the surrounding bone of the implant.
Possible Options for Failed Dental Implant
We’ve compiled the possible procedures that you can take if in case you find yourself facing a dental implant failure.
1. Implant Breakage
If the cause of the failure is an implant breakage but the jawbone is not damaged, then no major operation is needed. Just make sure to inform your dentist as soon as possible to avoid further damage. Your NYC dentist can just immediately remove the damaged implant and place a new one. A new implant will be replaced after there is a clear understanding of what causes the first implant to fail. This makes the second implant more durable.
2. Osseointegration issues or Implant Infection
As mentioned earlier, osseointegration is another common cause of implant failure. There are two ways that a dentist can fix this dental issue, but it all depends whether the bone infected or bone loss is medium or severe.
• Medium Bone Loss
The dentist will examine the cause of the infection that results in bone loss. After which, he will then remove the failed implant and let the affected area heal before replacing the implant. The healing process might take a few months, though.
• Severe Bone Loss
For severe cases, your dentist usually has to perform a bone grafting procedure before replacing the failed implant. Bone grafting is a process wherein a new bone is grown.